PR for technology companies
Technology can only be successful if it gains the trust of users. This applies not only to everyday technologies at home, but also to the B2B sector. Reliable media relations and professional PR communications play a key role in creating a great image for technology brands. We at Web&Tech specialize in designing technology PR and leading it to success in the DACH market and Europe.
The success can be seen in a high reach, in positive reactions in social media, word of mouth, website traffic and of course in sales figures. We will be happy to develop the right story for your technology company and highlight aspects that will be remembered. Depending on the shape of your solution and market situation, we will find the ideal path between product communications on the one hand and brand communications in the context of current trends and debates on the other.
Tech PR with passion, experience and success
Our team has over a hundred years of experience in tech PR. We have impressed clients countless times since 2012:
- With our passion to deliver journalistic quality content
- With our close relations to the most important tech journalists and our knowledge of how you reach and convince decision-makers
- With our deep understanding of industries and technologies
We are based in Munich. This is not only the place, where many German startups, medium-sized technology companies and large brands located, but also the hub of technology media for DACH. As an agency that has been an international partner of Touchdown PR from the very beginning, our eyes are trained to spot upcoming global trends and to use them for our precisely timed work with the media. We love to get judged by the successful media placements that we achieve for our customers.
Significance instead of boredom
Are you wondering what distinguishes the best tech PR agencies? Speaking for ourselves: We are not satisfied with buzzwords like IoT, Cloud, Next Gen or AI. We break your message down to the simplest terms to address your target groups in the right way and develop a communication that shows practical value. We tell the story of your product in a way that generates attention. We articulate your view of the market in such a way that it is heard, seen and shared.
Get in touch
Are you interested in our services or are you looking for strategic advice for your technology PR? Then get back to us – give us a call or send a quick message by using the contact form.